The distance vision (corrected) of the candidate should be 6/6 in the better eye and 6/9 in the worse eye.
Myopia should not be more than 2.5 D and hypermetropia not be more than 3.5 D, including Astigmatism.
It must be remembered that an internal NDA exam of the eye will be done by means of an ophthalmoscope to rule out any possibility of eye diseases.
Candidates must possess good binocular vision. The color vision standard for the Army is (CP-III).
The ability to recognize red and green colors is vital.
A certificate that neither the candidate nor any member of his family has suffered from congenital night blindness, will have to be produced.
Another noteworthy point is that candidates who have undergone Radial Keratotomy, to improve their visual acuity, or Laser Surgery, will be permanently rejected for all Services.
NDA Physical Fitness
A candidate recommended by the Services Selection Board (SSB) will undergo an NDA medical exam (Special Medical Board) by a Board of Service Medical Officers. Only those candidates, who are declared fit by the Medical Board, will be admitted to the Academy.
However, the President of the Medical Board will intimate the candidates declared unfit of their results and the procedure for an Appeal Medical Board (AMB) will be completed in a Command Hospital or equivalent within 42 days of the Special Medical Board.
Candidates who are declared unfit by the Appeal Medical Board (AMB) may request for Review Medical Board (RMB) within one day of completion of Appeal Medical Board.
The following investigations will be carried out mandatorily during the Special Medical Board. However, a candidate may ask for any other investigation as required or indicated:
Complete Haemogram
Urine RE/ME
X-Ray chest PA views
USG abdomen & pelvis
During NDA Medical Examination, candidates must be physically and mentally fit as per the below statements.
The candidate is mentally sound and intelligent. The hearing is good and there is no sign of any disease of the ear, nose, or throat.
Vision in each eye is up to the required standard. His/ her eyes are bright, clear, and with no obvious squint or abnormality. Movements of eyeballs should be full and free in all directions.
Speech is without impediment. There is no glandular swelling.
Chest is well-formed and his/her heart and lungs are sound.
Limbs of the candidates are well-formed and fully developed.
There is no evidence of hernia of any degree or form.
There is free and perfect action of all the joints. Feet and toes are well-formed
Kerato Refractive Surgery: Those candidates who have undergone any refractive surgery such as PRK/LASIK/SMILE can be considered fit in every branch except submarine, diving & MARCO cadre.
An individual must know the required standards related to Ear, Nose & Throat in advance to avoid any last-minute hustle. The major requirements are.
A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper at a distance of 610 cm with each ear separately with back to the examiner.
The operation of tympanoplasty with or without cortical mastoidectomy for a dry central perforation of the tympanic membrane is considered curative once the graft has taken up provided tympanic membrane is intact, mobile with free field hearing of 610 cm in each ear 45 separately and a normal hearing threshold on pure tone audiometry.
A gap of three months is considered adequate after operation of complete healing and graft stabilization.
Medical Eligibility – #NDA Eligibility Criteria #NDA Physical Fitness
This section will cover the required medical standards for candidates to get eligible for commissioning through NDA into Flying & Ground Duty Branches in the IAF. All candidates during their induction should meet the basic physical fitness standards which will enable them to proficiently undergo the training and the subsequent service in varied climatic and work environments.
A candidate will not be assessed physically fit unless the complete examination shows that he/ she is physically and mentally capable of withstanding the severe physical and mental strain for prolonged periods.
Every candidate who is required to fulfil the below-given physical standards to become eligible for the NDA exam will be opting for the Air Force. The various physical standards are the following.
Spine injuries – Cases of old fractures of the spine are unfit. Any residual deformity of the spine or compression of a vertebra will be cause for rejection.
Nerve injuries – Injuries involving the trunks of the larger nerves, resulting in loss of function, or neuroma formation, which causes pain significant tingling, indicate unsuitability for employment in flying duties.
Surgical Scars – Minor well-healed scars for e.g. as resulting from any superficial surgery do not, per se, indicate unsuitability for employment. Extensive scarring of a limb or torso that may cause a functional limitation or unsightly appearance should be considered unfit.
Birthmarks – Abnormal pigmentation in the form of hypo or hyper-pigmentation is not acceptable. Localized, congenital mole/ naevus, however, is acceptable provided its size is <10 cm. Congenital multiple naevi or vascular tumours that interfere with function or are exposed to constant irritation are not acceptable. “NDA Physical Fitness”
NDA Physical Fitness
Candidates need a minimum height of 162.5 cm for the Flying Branch. The detailed requirements of leg, thigh & sitting length are as follows.
NDA Physical Fitness
Most of the bodyweight parameters are similar for flying & ground duty. But, there are some essential points candidates must be aware of. These are:
(a) BMI should be below 27.
(b) The waist Hip ratio must be below 0.9 for males and for females it is 0.8.
(c) Waist circumference should be less than 94 cm for males and 89 cm for females.
To know the Body Weight Parameters in detail, candidates can click here.
Get the details about the NDA Physical Test
The details of the required weight criteria for the male candidates applying for Flying and Ground Duty are given below.
NDA Physical Fitness
The female aspirants of flying and ground duty branches have to fill the following weight requirements based on their height to be eligible.
NDA Physical Fitness
#NDA 2 admit card 2023 #Top NDA Coaching in India #Top Coaching for NDA Institute in Lucknow #NDA Eligibility Criteria 2023 #NDA Exam Dates #NDA Salary 2023 #NDA Physical Fitness
NDA Physical Fitness NDA Eligibility Criteria Best NDA Coaching in India NDA Medical Eligibility Physical Requirements for NDA in Air Force Top NDA Coaching in India Top NDA Classes in Lucknow Best NDA Coacting in India